The riches that gratitude offers

The riches that gratitude offers

Being grateful is the thing that I love to practice the most. Being grateful for all that I have and all that I wish to have before I have it, has brought true joy and abundance in my life. I am enormously grateful to have discovered this knowledge.

From hands on experience- the door that unlocks the goodness in you and life is GRATITUDE. Practice being grateful n all good shall come your way….

What am I grateful for?

What am I grateful for?

Life is a LOT more brilliant than we think it is. Lets open our eyes and see the beauty and love instead of the imperfections and fear. Our perception shapes our world. Being grateful makes our world all the more beautiful. We realize we are so blessed and have a lot more more than we thought we did…

‘Universe, I am grateful for all of your blessings, for all of your mercies, and for all of your protections’
– my daily prayer

The Gratitude List or Why my Life is a whole lot rocking!


One of my favorite-est quotes of all times!!

Not quite so long ago, whenever the topic of gratitude came up, I used to think ‘when I’ll be happy, then I’ll definitely be grateful’ or ‘when I will be more spiritually evolved, I will be grateful’. Gratitude, for me, was never a thing of the present; it was always something that would happen in the future.

However, when I observed that I didn’t feel particularly happy, contended, driven, or optimistic about life, I stepped back and sought to seek out the cause of the challenge. Why couldn’t I just be happy? Isn’t a person like me, who lives the spiritual and philosophical way, just happy most of the time? Where was the difference to my temperament?

It became increasingly obvious to me soon that I was not at all grateful! I didn’t fully appreciate the value of what I had and was blessed with. I took it all for granted and since I never stopped to ponder on the beauty of my life, I saw only lack.

So…… I started a gratitude practice and to begin with, let me tell you, its not easy the first time you do it. You can’t think of what all’s rocking in your life (because you haven’t been in the habit of thinkin’ about it), don’t feel like making a list (‘uhhh!! such a drag!’), don’t believe it will do anything (it will baby!), and just plain don’t want to.

That was what happened to me and time and again, I started a practice only to give up on it. But…. NOW…. with the starting of TWAPL, I just feel that sharing my gratitude online and putting the energy out into the world would be just the right thing to do. That was originally a part of my intention behind starting the blog- to share the precious and beautiful things in my life with the world.

So… lets begin! I post on here the things that I am grateful for and then…. I hope you too open up an empty page or word document and begin scribbling the blessings of your life 🙂

THE GRATITUDE LIST- Reasons why I lead a precious and amazing life:

1. I have a beautiful house to live in

2. I live with my family- people who love me, support me and care unendingly for me

3. I have been blessed with wonderful teachers and guides in my life who have always helped me when I was in doubt

4. The Universe has always been with me- since the time of my birth- to look after me and help me in whatever I want its help in

5. I have friends to love and share things with. Nothing better than having people around you who can double your joy and share your sorrow ❤

6. I live in an amazing, safe neighborhood with plenty of people to call mine

7. I have The Wild and Precious Life blog! 🙂

8. I am blessed to be able to write everyday

9. I am blessed to be receiving an education at a prestigious school where help is always at hand

10. I am blessed to have the power to create my life as I want it

11. I am blessed to have plenty of opportunities available to me

12. I am blessed to be excelling at my studies

13. I am blessed that today I got to read my poetry in front of my class and share it with them

14. I am blessed to be expressing my gifts

15. I am blessed to have food, water, an internet connection, mobile phone- all the luxuries of life

16. I am blessed to be a book lover.

17. I am grateful to my mother for instilling in me the habit and love of reading books

18. I am grateful to my mother for she is responsible, in large part, for planting the seeds of insatiable curiosity and a hunger for greater and bigger things in me. Thank u Mom!

19. I am grateful that my heart is open and I am free

20. I am thankful that I am the one who  can set me free. I have to wait for no one

21. I am grateful to be having access to my favorite bloggers on the internet (will share their names in the near future!)

22. I am grateful to that I received a card and 2 chocolates from my friend for my birthday. Heaven! 😉

23. I am grateful for the wishes my teacher sent me through my sister for my birthday

24. I am grateful for my online pen pals, scattered throughout the world and bonded with me in love. I love u guys!

25. I am grateful that I always have a choice between fear and love. And I have the power to choose love and then act from it.

26. I am grateful for the realizations and the insights I am having these days. They clear up a whole lot of doubts for me

27. I am grateful to be realizing the value and beauty of the present moment by living more in the now.

28. I am grateful to be getting clear on what things really mean to me and how I want me and my life to look.

29. I am grateful to be FREE, FREE, FREE!! 😀 Yaaaaayyyy!!

30. I am grateful to be alive, breathing, and smiling 🙂 Here’s one for you too. Smile baby smile! 😉

31. I am grateful for the amazing weather right now- the clouds are building up and a cool breeze is blowing. Exotic!

32. I am grateful to have written 31 things I am grateful for right now! 😀

33. I am grateful that I have the power to change my life

34. I am grateful that I am willing to learn, grow, and surrender who I am for what I can become.

35. I am grateful for starting this blog and writing posts for it

36. I am grateful for my gratitude practice

37. I am grateful for being grateful

38. I am grateful to have all my wants and needs fulfilled on the right time

39. I am blessed to have led a beautiful and abundant life till now

40. I am grateful to be alive 🙂

This is the 1st time I wrote 40 things 🙂 Yaaayyy!! It really isn’t difficult. Please do give it a try. Gratitude is a truly miraculous thing and it opens your eyes to the awesomeness of your life. If you find no thing to be grateful for, please send me a message and we’ll find the golden things together.

Let the amazingness roll in. Aaaaahh!! How I LoVe life!

Sweet love everyone!

P.S. I used a whole lot of smileys! Wow! 😉